Our studies, by using the Hematoxylin and eosin staining technique, show that the brain of a developing honey bee ( Apis cerana cerana) contains approximately 1 000 neuroblasts which finally develop to the mushroom body intrinsic neurons ( Kenyon cells). 通过对中华蜜蜂工蜂的幼虫、蛹及成虫的蕈形体形态发育的观察研究,发现中华蜜蜂的蕈形体包含约1000个成神经细胞,它们最终形成了蕈形体的所有Kenyon细胞。
The brain atrophy like "knife"," scissors "and" coniform "or" mushroom "might be one of the features about Pick's disease. 刀片状、剪刀像和锥柱样或蘑菇状脑萎缩改变可能是Pick病的特点。